Fertility Support
One in seven couples in the UK experience difficulty conceiving. Many need specialist fertility treatments such as clomid or IVF. Hypnotherapy tends to be the forgotten support therapy option for fertility issues. Clinical hypnosis can help to reduce stress, support fertility treatments (if they are required) and remove any mental blocks or fears you may have. Releasing fear, stress and replacing it with inner calm can give the best chance of success.
Dr Eliahu Levitas led a research study where hypnosis was used to help women receiving embryo transfer in IVF treatment. It is known to be a stressful time for patients and he found that “hypnosis may significantly contribute to an increased pregnancy rate” due to the possible “tranquilising effect” of hypnosis. Click here to access the full article
BBC News reported “some people even believe and it may well be true that for whatever reason women have an emotional blockage which can stop them getting pregnant. Hypnosis is the only therapy which works on the same level as these problems arise.”
Stress certainly plays a part and reducing stress with deep relaxation hypnosis may help your chances in conceiving.
Having been diagnosed with PCOS, Laura had difficulty conceiving both of her two children. She had follicle tracking and clomid fertility treatment and experienced early miscarriage herself too. She is understanding of the emotions and stress experienced during trying to conceive and then fertility treatment. This led Laura to fertility support as one of her specialisms. She has undertaken additional CPD training in Hypno-coaching Fertility, The Fertile Body Method and The Fertile Mind.
Using a personalised approach Laura induces hypnosis, a lovely state of deep relaxation almost like daydreaming-perfectly safe where you are awake and in control at all times. Creating the ideal state of mind and body for fertility is explored, supported and encouraged. Resilience and dealing with the challenges of difficulty in conception, fertility treatments such as IVF are also nurtured and fostered along with support where miscarriage occurs or fertility treatment is unsuccessful. Using fertility hypnosis-coaching to assist and support you on each step of your fertility journey.
Your own personalised individual recording is available for you to use in between appointments to reinforce deep relaxation and just before or during embryo transfer, if undertaking IVF treatment (do not listen whilst driving or doing anything that requires your full attention).
Here is another interesting article from The British Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
Please contact for all enquiries and to book an appointment